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Mrs. Yan Liru, Wife of the Chinese Ambassador Introduced Beijing Opera to Some of the Spouses of the Diplomatic Corps Accredited to Riga
2011-01-19 02:48
         On January 14, 2011, Mrs. Yan Liru, Wife of the Chinese Ambassador to Latvia held a meeting at the Ambassador's Residence introducing Beijing Opera to Ambassador of France and the spouses of the Ambassadors of the USA, UK, Canada, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden, Poland and Israel etc. The members of the Female's Group of the Chinese Embassy also attended the function.
       Mrs. Yan Liru, introduced through PPT the formation of Beijing Opera, and the characters and types of roles of Sheng (male role), Dan (Female role), Jing (painted face) and Chou (clown). Mrs. He Jinhui performed the arias of Escorting the Woman Prisoner and Farewell My Concubine, which drawn applauses from the audience. Some members of the Female's Group of the Embassy explained respectively the contents of the arias. Q & A with award was also arranged at the function. After the introduction, the invited guests tested some delicious Chinese food while enjoying the background music of Beijing Opera. Mrs. Yan Liru also presented some books and types of facial make-up of Beijing Opera to the guests.
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